
Today, Heat fight for the Bella

Today, the Heat is against the Pacers. Now the Pacers has got 66 scores but the Heat got the 64 scores. the cap is very small. When they play, someone find their shoes. all the Heat player shoes write # live like Bella.

Bella is a 10-year-old Miami small fan. The girl is very strong. She fights the cancer for 6 years. Today, she go to heaven. They salute to her and fight for her.love invincible, let the girl happy in the heaven.

we pray for her. Hope she will happy in the heaven. Come on Heat. Believe you will win this game. Come on LeBron James. your ability don't have make full use. you must make full use of it and win this game.

if you are their fans, please clap for them. wearing their jerseys and  watching the game. the Game has finished three amplitudes. there are only have one amplitude. you have the chance to win the game. Come on!

As your fans, football wholesale jerseys support you all the way. Wearing the authentic jerseys from www.fooballwholesalejerseys.com and watching the game, clap for you.I am proud of you. you are the best. Come on Heat!

