
super bowl : the five good contingent

Now, all American people concern about the Super Bowl game.It is a very hot topic and the NIKE super bowl jerseys is very hot.do you think so ? Now, I will talk that there are 5 points in the super bowl game this year. From Cheap NIKE wholesales jerseys.
1. the Harbowl  Bowl
   As we are known, the 49ers and the Raven will going to the super bowl.and their coach are Jim Harburgh and John Harburgh. They are brother.They have 34 years in the NFL. They hope they can be against for the super bowl for many years. Now, they have finished. Congratulation for them.
2.Ratrick Willis VS Ray Lewis 
 Ratrick Willis plays a heart rows in the 49ers' midcourt line. He plays the football as the same as the young Ray Lewis. However, this game is the Ray Lewis's last game in NFL. So , How plays the Ray Lewis? who will win the Ray Lewis  or as the same as the younger Ray lewis ?
3.the defense win the Champions
According to the cheap wholesales jerseys, there are 4 Ravens' player in the 20 most liked Defense. they are Ray Lewis, Haloti Ngata, Ed Reed, Terrell Suggs. While the 49ers, there are only one player, he is the Justin Smith . but we must see the point that the Ray Lewis,Terrell Suggs and  Justin Smith have been stop game for his injury in this year. Therefor, which team will win the last champion, this is also a riddle.
4.the Qb or not to be
we know that the QB plays very important rows in the  team. many QB have many fans. the Joe Flacco said that they must get the last champion. will they do ?
Joe Flacco wish that his name can be together with the Joe Montana and Steve Young.Will he do ? waiting for his good performance.

5.Frank Gore VS Ray Rice
Frank Gore and Ray Rice are good runningback. they will plays in the super bowl. do you want to watch them PK. who will lost the game ? Who will become the good man in the super bowl? who will win more fans?
wow, this Super Bowl is a good game. we don't forget watch the game and support our players. Come on gays.

